China Vitamin B12 fekitori uye vagadziri | Tecsun

Vhitamini B12

Tsananguro Pfupi:

Vitamin B 12, also known as cobalt amine, is the only vitamin containing metal elements. In nature, vitamin B12 is synthesized by microorganisms. Higher animals and plants cannot make vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is the only vitamin that requires the help of an intestinal secretion (endogenous factor) to be absorbed. Some people due to gastrointestinal abnormalities, lack of this endogenous factor, even if adequate dietary sources can also suffer from malignant anemia. There is basically no vi...

Chigadzirwa Chigadzirwa

Chigadzirwa Mateki

Vitamin B 12, also known as cobalt amine, is the only vitamin containing metal elements. In nature, vitamin B12 is synthesized by microorganisms. Higher animals and plants cannot make vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is the only vitamin that requires the help of an intestinal secretion (endogenous factor) to be absorbed. Some people due to gastrointestinal abnormalities, lack of this endogenous factor, even if adequate dietary sources can also suffer from malignant anemia. There is basically no vitamin B12 in vegetable foods. It stays in the gut for a long time and takes about three hours (most water-soluble vitamins take only a few seconds) to be absorbed. Vitamin B 12's main physiological function is to participate in the production of bone marrow red blood cells, prevent malignant anemia, prevent brain nerve damage. Vitamin B 12 is one of the last B vitamins to be found so far. Vitamin B12 is a polycyclic compound containing 3 valent cobalt. Four reduced pyrrole rings are linked together to form a Golin macroring (similar to porphyrin), which is the core of vitamin B12 molecule. Therefore, compounds containing this ring are referred to as Golin-like. Vitamin B12 is a light red acicular crystal which is easily soluble in water and ethanol. It is most stable under the condition of weak acid pH 4.5 and 5.0, and decomposes in strong acid (pH < 2) or alkaline solution, which can be destroyed to some extent in the event of heat. But short time high temperature disinfection loss is small, encounter bright light or ultraviolet ray is easy to be destroyed. The loss of ordinary cooking process is about 30%.


Chigadzirwa Chigadzirwa: VITAMIN 12  svangodza
CAS: 68-19-9
MF: C63H88CoN14O14P
MW: 1355.37  
EINECS: 200-680-0
Vitamin B12, iyo inonzi VB12 ipfupi, inozivikanwawo secobalamin, uye iri rimwe remavitamini B, iri kirasi yemakomputa akaomarara ane cobalt Corrin kirasi, uye yaive necobalt inoteedzana mune yakafanana porphyrin Corrin ndege iri pakati pechindori .Ndiyo yakakura uye yakaoma kunzwisisa vhitamini molecule yakawanikwa. Ichowo chete vitamini ine simbi ion. Iko kristaro yakatsvuka, inonzi zvakare vhitamini tsvuku.Muti hauna VB12, uye haugone kuburitsa VB12. Chiropa ndicho chakanakisa sosi yeVB12, kubva pamukaka, nyama, mazai, hove uye zvichingodaro. VB12 inokosha coenzyme mukuumbwa kweRNA neDNA. Kushaikwa kweVB12 mu vivo kunogona kukonzera kushanduka kwechirwere muhurongwa hwemitsipa senge peripheral nerve uye yepakati yetsinga system.

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