Os mellores alimentos ricos en vitamina C para engadir á súa lista de supermercados

Between worrying about COVID-19 and the onset of springtime allergies, it's more important than ever to keep your immune system strong and protect yourself from any potential infections. One way to do that is by adding vitamin-C-rich foods to your daily diet.

"Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant, most known for supporting your immune system," board-certified physician Bindiya Gandhi, M.D., tells mindbodygreen. The nutrient, also known as ascorbic acid, has been shown to enhance immune functioning.

Os antioxidantes da vitamina C axudan a iso reducindo a inflamación, loitando contra os radicais libres e mellorando os glóbulos brancos. Para obter un beneficio adicional, a vitamina C apoia o envellecemento saudable ao xestionar os efectos do estrés oxidativo.

Tempo de publicación: 15 de abril de 2020