China Cimetidine type A factory and manufacturers | Tecsun

Cimetidine type A

Kuerz Beschreiwung:

Veterinary medicine API Cimetidine Appearance White powder CAS NO. 51481-61-9 Molecular Formula C10H16N6S Molecular Weight  252.34 Density 1.27 g/cm3  Melting Point 139-144ºC Boiling Point 488ºC at 760 mmHg  Flash Point 248.9ºC Assay  98% min Cimetidine is an immunomodulator and a histamine congener. Cimetidine competitively inhibits histamine binding to histamine H2 receptors, and suppresses the growth of several tumors, including gastrointestinal cancer. This compo...

Produkt Detail

Produkt Tags

Veterinärmedizin API Cimetidin
Ausgesinn Wäiss Pudder
CAS KENG. 51481-61-9
Molekular Formel C10H16N6S
Molekular Gewiicht  252,34
Dicht 1,27 g / cm3 
Schmëlzpunkt 139-144ºC
Kachpunkt 488ºC bei 760 mmHg 
Flash Punkt 248,9 ºC
Assay  98% min

Cimetidine ass en Immunmodulator an en Histamin Kongener. Cimetidine hemmt kompetitiv Histamin verbindlech mat Histamin H2 Rezeptoren, an dréckt de Wuesstum vu verschiddenen Tumoren, dorënner Magen-Darmkriibs. Dës Verbindung ass en anti-angiogene Agent. Cimetidine ass en Aktivator vun Nischarin.



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