China Chlortetracycline HCl Fabréck a Produzenten | Tecsun

Chlortetracycline HCl

Kuerz Beschreiwung:

64-72-2 Aureomycin Chlortetracycline Hdrochloride Powder Basic Info   Product Name:   Chlortetracycline Hydrochloride   CAS No.  64-72-2 Molecular Formula: C22H24Cl2N2O8 Molecular Weight:  515.34 Specification:  99% Appearance: Yellow Powder   What's the Application of Chlortetracycline Hydrochloride? Chlortetracycline hydrochloride is a broad-spectrum antibiotic effective against both gram positive and gram negative pathogenic bacteria including mycoplasma,chlamydia rick...

Produkt Detail

Produkt Tags

64-72-2 Aureomycin Chlortetracycline Hdrochlorid Pudder

Basis Info

Produkt Numm:   Chlortetracycline Hydrochlorid
CAS Nr.  64-72-2
Molekulare Formel: C22H24Cl2N2O8
Molekular Gewiicht:  515,34
Spezifizéierung:  99%
Ausgesinn: Giel Pudder

What's the Applikatioun vu Chlortetracycline Hydrochlorid?

Chlortetracycline Hydrochlorid ass e breede Spektrum Antibiotikum effektiv géint Gramm Positiv a Gram Negativ Pathogen Bakterien inklusiv Mykoplasma, Chlamydia Rickettsia .

What's the Applikatioun vu Chlortetracycline Hydrochlorid?
Antimykotesch Medikamenter, breet Spektrum Anti-Mehltau Medikament, kënnen an der Therapie vu schwéierer Infektioun vu Mehltau benotzt ginn.


1. 1kg / Aluminiumfoliebeutel, mat zwou Plastikstuten dobannen.
2. 25kg / Faser Trommel, mat zwou Plastiksäck dobannen. Gréisst: ID42cm × H52cm, 0.08m3 / Drum; Gross Gewiicht: 28kg.



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