الصين مصنع ومصنعين Epalrestat | تسون


وصف قصير:

 Epalrestat  CAS No.: 82159-09-9 Epalrestat is a non-competitive inhibitor of aldose reductase, which reversibly inhibits the conversion of glucose into sorbitol aldose reductase in polyol metabolism associated with the pathogenesis of diabetic complications, and can significantly improve The patient's symptoms and neurological dysfunction improve their motor nerve conduction velocity and autonomic function. Epalrestat is used to prevent, ameliorate, and treat peripheral neuropathy (numbnes...

تفاصيل المنتج

علامات المنتج

 إيبالريستات  CAS No:  82159-09-9
Epalrestat is a non-competitive inhibitor of aldose reductase, which reversibly inhibits the conversion of glucose into sorbitol aldose reductase in polyol metabolism associated with the pathogenesis of diabetic complications, and can significantly improve The patient's symptoms and neurological dysfunction improve their motor nerve conduction velocity and autonomic function.
يستخدم Epalrestat لمنع وتحسين وعلاج الاعتلال العصبي المحيطي (التنميل والألم) وتنمل الاهتزازات والشذوذ القلبي المرتبط بمرض السكري. تخصيص
P اسم roduct إيبالريستات
CAS 82159-09-9
مف: C15H13NO3S2
ميغاواط: 319.4




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