ቻይና ቶልትዙዙል ፋብሪካ እና አምራቾች | ተኩሱን


አጭር መግለጫ

Product details are as follows: Toltrazuril Molecular Formula: C18H14F3N3O4S Structural formula: Appearance: white or off White crystalline powder CAS NO.:   69004-03-1 Melting point:  192-196ºC Signal max impurity:   ≤0.2% Total impurities: ≤1.0% Loss on dry: ≤0.5% Sulphated ash:  ≤0.1% Heavy mental: ≤10ppm Assay (HPLC): ≥98.5% Expiry date: 3 years Packing size: 25kg/drum Function:       Toltrazuril is a triazinone compound with broad - spectrum anti - coc...

የምርት ዝርዝር

የምርት መለያዎች

የምርት ዝርዝሮች እንደሚከተለው ናቸው-
ሞለኪውላዊ ቀመር
C 18H 14የ F 3N 3O 4S
መዋቅራዊ ቀመርቶልትዙዙል CAS 69004-03-1
መልክ: ነጭ ወይም ነጭ መስታወት ዱቄት ለማጥፋት
CAS ቁጥር.   69004-03-1
የማቅለጫ ነጥብ  192-196-19C
የምልክት ከፍተኛ ርኩሰት   ≤0.2%
ጠቅላላ ቆሻሻዎች ≤1.0%
በደረቅ ላይ ማጣት ≤0.5%
የሰልፈድ አመድ  ≤0.1%
ከባድ አእምሮ: ≤10 ፒኤም
ምርመራ (HPLC) ≥98.5%
የአገልግሎት ማብቂያ ጊዜ: 3 አመታት
ማሸጊያ መጠን : 25kg / ከበሮ
      Toltrazuril is a triazinone compound with broad - spectrum anti - coccidial activity.Widely used in chicken coccidiosis. Toltrazuril has a wide range of effects on coccidioides and has effects on both asexual cycles, such as inhibiting fission, nuclear division of small gametophyte and wall formation of small gametophyte.
      ጣልቃ ይገባል activity of mitosis and mitochondria of coccidia cells, affecting the respiratory and metabolic functions of the worms. In addition, the endoplasmic reticulum of the cells is enlarged, causing serious vacillations.

ሌሎች ምርቶቻችን እንደሚከተለው ተዘርዝረዋል

ቶልትዙዙል CAS 69004-03-1


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