ቻይና ኦክሲትራሳይክሊን ሃይድሮክሎራይድ ፋብሪካ እና አምራቾች | ተኩሱን

ኦክሲትራሳይክሊን ሃይድሮክሎራይድ

አጭር መግለጫ

Product Description Product Name: Oxytetracycline hydrochloride/Oxytetracycline HCL   Product Oxytetracycline HCL   CAS 2058-46-0 Chemical Name: 4-(Dimethylamino)-1,4,4a,5,5a,6,ll,12a-octahydro-3, 5,6,10,12,12ahexahydroxy-6-methyl-1,1 1-dioxo-2-naphthacenecarboxamide HCL    Molecular Formula  C22H24N2O9·HCL   Molecular Weight 496.8949   Packing Export worthy packing Material Safety Data Sheet Available on request  Comments Antibiotic drugs with the action of ...

የምርት ዝርዝር

የምርት መለያዎች

የምርት  መግለጫ

የምርት ስም: ኦክሲትራሳይክሊን ሃይድሮክሎራይድ / ኦክሲትራሳይክሊን ኤች.ሲ.ኤል.


ምርት ኦክሲትራሳይክሊን ኤች.ሲ.ኤል.  3
ሲ.ኤስ. 2058-46-0
የኬሚካል ስም 4- (ዲሜቲላሚኖ) -1,4,4a, 5,5a, 6, ll, 12a-octahydro-3, 5,6,10,12,12a hexahydroxy-6-methyl-1,1 1-dioxo-2- naphthacenecarboxamide ኤች.ሲ.ኤል.   4
ሞለኪውላዊ ቀመር  C 22H 24N 2O 9· HCL  
ሞለኪውላዊ ክብደት 496.8949 እ.ኤ.አ.  
ማሸግ የሚገባ ማሸግን ወደ ውጭ ይላኩ
የቁሳዊ ደህንነት መረጃ ሉህ በጥያቄ ላይ ይገኛል 
አስተያየቶች ሰፊ-ህዋስ እርምጃ ጋር አንቲባዮቲክ መድኃኒቶች 

ተመሳሳይ ቃላት Terramycin HCLCAS: 2058-46-0MF: C22H25ClN2O9MW: 496.89EINECS: 218-161-2

አጠቃቀሞች-ከአስክሪንሚቴት ገለፃ ምርቶች ተለይተው አንቲባዮቲክ ንጥረ ነገር ፣ ስቴፕቶሚሴስ ሪሞሰስ ፣ ተስማሚ በሆነ መካከለኛ ላይ አድጓል ፡፡ ባክቴሪያ
Product Introduction
  1. Tetracycline Hcl is a type of broad-spectrum antibiotics  2. Tetracycline Hcl can be used for bacillary dysentery (bacillary dysentery), trachoma, whooping cough, purulent meningitis, peritonitis, pneumonia, osteomyelitis. Scarlet fever, typhus, urinary tract infections, skin infections, otitis media, amoebic dysentery, biliary tract infections, intestinal infections, sepsis and so on  3. Tetracycline Hcl can be used in penicillin-resistant strains of infections, penicillin allergy 
1. This product as the preferred or choose drug used in the following diseases:
(1) rickettsial disease, including epidemic typhus, endemic typhus, rocky mountain hot, tropical
typhus and Q fever
(2) the mycoplasma infection
(3) the chlamydial infection, including psittacosis, knob, lymphatic meat tooth is swollen, nonspecific
urethritis, lose eggs bamboo inflammation, cervicitis and trachoma.
(4) relapsing fever.
(5) the undulant disease.
(6) cholera.
(7) from fever.
(8) the plague.
(9) soft chancre.
Treating undulant disease and plague with aminoglycoside joint application.
ዝርዝር መግለጫ

ዕቃዎች ዝርዝር መግለጫ ውጤቶች
BP2010 / EP6 መልክ ክሪስታል ዱቄት ይመሳሰላል
የማቅለጫ ነጥብ ወደ 205 ° ሴ 206.4 ° ሴ ~ 206.7 ° ሴ
መታወቂያ መስፈርቶቹን ያሟሉ ይመሳሰላል
Appearance of
ግልጽ ፣ ከ Y7 የበለጠ ከባድ አይደለም ይመሳሰላል
ፒኤች 2.4 ~ 3.0 2.60 እ.ኤ.አ.
በማድረቅ ላይ ኪሳራ ≤0.5% 0.04%
ሰልፌት አመድ ≤0.1% 0.01%
ከባድ ብረቶች ≤20 ፒፒኤም <20 ፒፒኤም
ተዛማጅ ንጥረ ነገሮች ≤0.25% ይመሳሰላል
ምርመራ 99.0% ~ 101.0% 99.8%
USP32 መታወቂያ መስፈርቶቹን ያሟሉ ይመሳሰላል
በማድረቅ ላይ ኪሳራ ≤0.5% 0.04%
በማቀጣጠል ላይ ቅሪት ≤0.1% 0.01%
ከባድ ብረቶች ≤0.003% <0.003%
Residue solvent - Ethanol ≤0.5% <0.04%
ክሎራይድ 16.9% ~ 17.6% 17.1%
ምርመራ 98.0% ~ 102.0% 100.0%
ማጠቃለያ-ምርቱ ለ BP2010 / USP32 / EP6 መስፈርት ያሟላል


  • የቀድሞው: -
  • ቀጣይ:

  • መልእክትዎን እዚህ ይፃፉ እና ለእኛ ይላኩልን