Pabrik pabrik Cina Cefradine | Tecsun


Pedaran pondok:

Product details are as follows:   Product Name Cefradine Monohydrate Powder Molecular Formula C16H19N3O4S Product use Verterinary medicine raw materials Character of product White, crystalline powder Packing 25KG/Drum Assay 900ug/ml~1050ug/ml PH 3.5~6.0 Water ≤6.0% Content of Cefalexin ≤5.0%   Product name Cefradine   CAS: 38821-53-3 MF: C16H19N3O4S MW: 349.41 EINECS: :254-137-8 Cefradine (also known as cephradine), 7-[D-2-amino-2...

Detil Produk

Tanda Produk

Detil produk sapertos kieu:
Ngaran Produk Bubuk Monéférat Cefradine
Formula Molekul C16H19N3O4S
Pamakéan produk Bahan baku ubar verterinary
Karakter produk Bodas, bubuk kristal
Ngepak 25KG / Kendang
Assay 900ug / ml ~ 1050ug / ml
PH 3.5 ~ 6.0
Cai ≤6,0%
Eusi Cefalexin ≤5,0%


Ngaran Produk Cefradine  fgqgqwe
  • 38821-53-3
  • C16H19N3O4S
  • 349.41

: 254-137-8

  • Cefradine (also known as cephradine), 7-[D-2-amino-2(1,4cyclohexadien1-yl) acetamido]-3-methyl-8-0x0-5thia-l-azabicyclo[4.2.0] oct-2-ene-2-carboxylic acid monohydrate (111 is a semi-synthetic cephalosporin antibiotic. used orally, intramuscularly, and intravenously. The structure of cephradine is similar to that of cephalexin, the only difference being in the six-membered ring. Cephalexin has three double bonds forming an aromatic system while cephradine has two double bonds in the same ring. The antibacterial activity of cephradine is similar to that of cephalexin

Produk ieu heureuy leyur dina cai; rada leyur dina alkohol sareng kloroform; praktis henteu leyur dina éter.

Cefradine mangrupikeun generasi mimiti cephalosporin semisintetik. Produk ieu tahan ka asam, tiasa dicandak sacara lisan, diserep ogé, konsentrasi tinggi ubar getih, dicirikeun ku résistansi laktamase, tahan ka staphylococcus aureus sareng rupa-rupa bacilli tahan antibiotik spéktrum lega ngagaduhan pangaruh baktis gancang sareng dipercaya, utamina dina bentuk aslina tina ékskrési cikiih, konsentrasi cikiih tinggi.

Éta cocog pikeun pharyngitis akut, tonsilitis, otitis media, bronchitis sareng bronchitis disababkeun ku baktéri sénsitip Pneumonia sareng inféksi saluran pernapasan anu sanés, inféksi saluran genitourinary sareng inféksi kulit sareng jaringan lemes. Sapertos bronchitis, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, cystitis, ear, inféksi irung sareng tikoro, enteritis sareng disentri.




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